We all go through difficult challenges in life. All sorts of people come along to therapy for a range of issues, big and small. Some may feel troubled by feelings, thoughts, and behaviours that get in the way of living a fulfilling life. Others may be facing a difficult situation such as a life change that they are struggling to work through on their own. If the problems that bring people to therapy were easy to solve, they would have solved them without the guidance of a professional. We believe that everyone can benefit from therapy at certain points in life. 

Therapy has many benefits, including:

  • finding relief from anxiety, depression, and relationship difficulties
  • offering a different perspective on problems 
  • exploring and trying different solutions to problems
  • gaining clarity about difficult issues and finding a way forward
  • increasing a sense of control in life
  • personal growth through self-reflection
  • gaining tools to be able to manage difficult emotions and make wise  decisions.

Simply talking about things (that may have been kept inside for a long time) in a non-judgmental, confidential space may provide a great sense of relief for some.

Therapy is an opportunity to talk about issues that are important to you, and receive assistance to gain skills to work through current situations and others like them in the future. Therapy can be about one specific problem, or it can be about multiple. Therapy requires effort from both the client and the therapist for positive change to occur. 

It is normal for people to feel nervous about coming along to therapy, so knowing what to expect can help. In the first session, your therapist will talk to you to gain a full picture of your current concerns, related factors, and any relevant history. You may be asked to complete some questionnaires. We will discuss what you hope to achieve and also establish some guidelines for our sessions together (such as frequency of sessions, fees, confidentiality, etc.). You will be able to ask any questions you may have. 

The right fit and a positive working relationship between client and therapist is important and has been proven to have a big impact on client outcomes. It is important that you feel comfortable to share and that you trust your therapist can help you with your specific issues. We encourage you to call for a chat, ask any questions, and get a feel for our approach. There is no ‘one therapist fits all’, so if at any point you decide the relationship is not a good fit, you can withdraw from the service at any time.

Initial sessions run for about 90 mins. Subsequent sessions run for about 50 mins.

How often someone attends therapy depends on individual circumstances and needs. Generally, most benefit is found through regular and consistent sessions. Together we will work out what works best for you. 

Yes, clients with a current Mental Health Treatment Plan are eligible for a Medicare rebate for services.

Your privacy is taken very seriously and is respected as part of our  privacy policy. Your information is handled according to the Australian Privacy Principles set out in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). By law, your therapist cannot release this information, except in the following circumstances:

  • where you provide explicit permission 
  • where there is a legal requirement to do so
  • where you or another person is at immediate risk of harm that can only be averted by disclosing information. 

Please feel free to raise any concerns or questions when speaking with your therapist. 

Initial sessions are charged at $195 ($180 concession) per 90 mins for private fee paying and Mental Health Treatment Plan clients. Initial sessions are longer appointments to allow for relevant information to be collected. 

Subsequent sessions are charged at $180 ($160 concession) per 50 mins.

NDIS sessions are charged at the rate outlined in the current NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits guide. 

A referral is not necessary to access services with Through the Woods Psychology. However, a GP referral is necessary to access a Medicare rebate for services. Simply call or contact through this site to talk through your needs and schedule an appointment. 

Cancellation or reschedule notice provided inside of 2 business days’ of appointment – 50% of session fee.
Cancellation or reschedule notice provided inside of 1 business day of appointment – 100% of session fee.

Exceptions include unexpected illness or emergencies.