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Autism & ADHD adult assessment & report package

As Autism and ADHD occur together 50 to 70% of the time, it is more likely that people will be both Autistic and ADHDer’s rather than just Autistic or just an ADHDer. Therefore, my assessment package screens for both Autism and ADHD. This is also best practice.

Answers the questions:

“Am I Autistic?” & 

“Am I an ADHDer?”

Formal identification/diagnosis of Autism and ADHD with a comprehensive report. The report will include a background summary, diagnosis, details of how you meet the criteria, and the test score results. In addition to interview sessions, the fee also covers my time for scoring and interpreting assessment tools, the cost of the assessment tools, preparing for the sessions, and writing the report.

What is involved?

  1. Complete your online intake pack and questionnaires in your own time before the initial interview
  2. Attend an initial interview appointment of 1.5 hours where I will collect information about your background (i.e., mental and physical health, relationships, schooling, work), traits of Autism and ADHD you have noticed, your strengths, and your areas of challenge.
  3. Attend the diagnostic assessment appointment of 3 hours which includes administration of the MIGDAS-2 (for Autism) and DIVA-5 (for ADHD) tools*
  1. Attend a 1 hour feedback session where you will receive your results, have a chance to discuss, and ask any questions.
  2. Receive via email the written report (produced within 6 weeks after the completion of the information gathering)

(You will meet with me 3 times in total.)

*Note: Occasionally, additional sessions may be needed to collect all information required for the assessment, such as in cases where there are complex physical or mental health histories that require more in-depth querying in order to rule-in and rule-out differential diagnoses. I will let you know as early as possible if additional sessions are needed. Additional assessment session fees are at my standard assessment consultation rate of $220 per 50 mins. 

How to book an appointment

  1. Call or email reception team and ask any further questions you may have. Reception will book in your 1st and 2nd interview appointments

    Payment of $220 deposit is required to secure your initial interview appointment spot.

    2. You will be emailed the online intake forms (consent form, contact details, terms and conditions) and a link to the online questionnaires for your completion in your own time prior to your initial interview appointment.

    *You will need to have access to a computer with webcam and a stable internet connection to attend the interviews. I need to be able to see you in order to perform the assessment and provide an accurate diagnosis.

Not ready or uncertain if you need an assessment?

You are welcome to book in a standard consultation where we can discuss this in detail. 


Please contact for costs involved. 

Medicare rebate – under 25-year-olds only

Under 25-year-olds may be eligible to access up to 4 Medicare rebated sessions when referred by a Paediatrician or Psychiatrist for diagnostic services where they have a suspected neurodevelopmental ‘disorder’ (ie Autism or ADHD). The Medicare item number is 82000. You will need to consult a Paediatrician or Psychiatrist and request this referral.

No Medicare rebate is available for Autism and ADHD assessment in adults over 25 years of age.